inconceivably terse

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

electrical faux-pas

bad wire installation
I hired a contractor to do some electrical work a couple of months ago. Here is a picture of some of their work (click on it to see more detail and read my comments).

Their secretary keeps calling, asking me to fax in the job-completion form. But as I am so not satisfied with their work, I don't think I should send it yet.

By the way, this is not the first call-back on this job. The first one was a week after they "finished" when I noticed two other problems: 1. the wires to the receptacle installed by the pocket-doors was blocking the door from opening fully; and 2. drooping loops of NM-B cable festooned from the floor joists. When the workman was sent to fix it, he came over first so we could show him the problem, then he went to the store to buy the staples. Yet another clue that he is not a real electrician.

Eerily, I posted another picture to my account last week from a friend who suffered an electrical fire in his house recently.


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